COVID-19 UPDATE – currently I am providing cooking lessons online from my kitchen until lockdown restrictions are lifted.
Once restrictions are eased, private lessons will be family bubbles only.
Entry will be via my side gate and you have exclusive use of my downstairs toilet during the lesson.
Social distancing of 2 metres is difficult but will be adhered to where possible.
I have face shields, masks and disposable gloves available for use.
Windows or patio door will be open for ventilation.
Works surfaces and equipment is cleaned thoroughly before each and after every lesson.
Guidelines will be sent before the lessons.
Temperature and telephone number will be taken on entry and you must log in to Track and Trace app.
Anyone displaying signs of Covid-19 will not be granted access and the lesson will be deferred.
Indoor group workshops from different households will not take place until government guidelines are more clear about none family members spending prolonged time in other people’s houses.
For more up to date information please contact Anne Marie directly at